A few months ago, my adorable half-brother Ethan had a tragic accident. He was flown to John's Hopkins for emergency surgery on his eye after accidentally being stabbed with a knife. These past few months have been a battle for me and my family. Uncertain of whether Ethan will ever be able to regain eye sight in his eye. Daily uncertain of what is going to happen tomorrow and if his eye would take a turn for the worst. A couple weeks ago the doctors at John's Hopkins gave us a hopeful report that if Ethan could go 90 days without surgery, there was a good chance he would regain 20/40 vision in his eye. At the beginning of December, my dad and my stepmom traveled with Ethan and my half sister Ally to Miami to get a second opinion from an eye specialist. The doctors in Miami discovered that Ethan's retina was detached again, which is not the greatest news since it has not been 90 days since his last surgery. With each surgery, Ethan’s chance of regaining eyesight diminishes. The doctors in Miami said he will not have any straight forward vision, but has a good chance of vision from both sides of his eye. However, My dad and my stepmom have made an appointment at John's Hopkins this coming Monday and surgery to reattach his retina will most likely be on Tuesday.
Wendy, my stepmom, says "I wish I could be more upbeat, but at this point I am feeling a little down. All of the doctors agree that we should try at least one more surgery to reattach the retina. I am speaking for myself when I say that I am having a hard time with the ups and downs. I truly believe with each surgery that Ethan is on his way to a great recovery. I try not to get too excited when we get a good report, but in fact, with each good report I feel elated. So to say when the bad news hits… each time it gets harder. Ethan and Allison’s spirits are still great. Ethan quite simply says…”My retina is detached again, and I will be having another surgery.” He says this without any frustration, it is just something to report and another step to be taken. I am learning so much from the spirit of my children. We still know that God is in control of this situation and no matter the end result we will all be fine."
After Ethan's next surgery the doctors said that he will need to spend the majority of his time laying flat on his stomach for at least two weeks, which will help keep the oil in place where it needs to stay in his eye to help put pressure on the retina to reattach. My stepmom said that she has been talking to him about it and Ethan says that he can and will do it. For a six year old constantly laying on your stomach for two weeks can be extremely difficult. Especially since he will have to open his Christmas gifts on his stomach, which will be different and interesting, but will make for an adventure I am sure.
Although this is challenging and is requiring full trust and full faith in the Lord, we are all trying to stay in good spirits! It truly helps that Ethan is still being a kid and is very optimistic and determined through it all! The Lord has really been laying Ethan on my heart and I am asking you for help. I want to give him encouragment and something to smile about! If you could make him a card letting him know you are thinking about him and send or get it to me by Christmas, I would love to bless him with a bunch of cards on Christmas day! If you need an address to send the card you can email me at abideinhislove@yahoo.com! Thank you for all of your prayers, you are such a blessing and a gift from the Lord!
Ethan is the one with the awesome eye patch :)!